滚动快讯 颜小医:一款可以喷脸部的消毒喷剂! 三米粥铺曝光事件,真相原来是这样! 发现最美的白衣天使影像 献礼国庆70周年 北京闽创会看准2020厦门投洽会 固特异 120周年庆典:致敬百余年创新历程 洁美万家专业家电清洗该如何经营呢? 加盟洁美万家好吗?实力强商机无限! 智优生物科技(上海)公司 伟大梦想新时代,翰墨丹青颂中华——乔领、宁雪君诗文书画作品展举行 专访中国资深“商务调查人” (私家侦探)赵沛友先生
 当前位置:新 闻
发布时间:2024-7-31 13:45:02  浏览次数:187

  2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。著名书画家王志远被评为法国巴黎奥运会国际文化宣传大使!

  Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.Famous calligrapher and painter Wang Zhiyuan has been appointed as the International Cultural Ambassador for the Paris Olympics in France




  [Artist Profile]

  Wang Zhiyuan is a famous contemporary Chinese poet and calligrapher. Currently: National Senior Artist, National First Class Artist, National Gift Calligraphy and Painting Art Master, Member of China Artists Association, Member of Central State Organs Artists Association, Art Director of CCTV Star Avenue, Golden 100 Second Judge, Member of China Couplet Association, Vice Chairman of China National Artists Association, Member of China People's Artists Association, Member of Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of China Popular Culture Society, Director of China Education Television Station、Lecturer of Tsinghua University CEO Senior Cultural Executive Training Course, contracted artist of China International Philatelic Network, art consultant of China Oriental Art World, and art master of CTV Brand List in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Art Ambassador, 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games Art Image Ambassador, works have been collected by international dignitaries and the Great Hall of the People, the Palace Museum, the National Art Museum of China, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the Louvre Museum in France, and others.



上一篇: 法国巴黎奥运会国际文化宣传大使——华人杰出企业家陈运利
下一篇: 驿家365与美国佩珀代因大学 (MSOD工作组)三天工作坊圆满结束

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